The Smoky God – Dymiący Bóg
THE SMOKY GOD OR A Voyage to the Inner World By Willis George Emerson Author Of "Buell Hampton," "The Builders," Etc. Copyright, 1908, Dedicated: TO MY CHUM AND COMPANION BONNIE EMERSON MY WIFE Contents THE SMOKY GOD PART ONE. AUTHOR'S FOREWORD PART TWO. OLAF JANSEN'S STORY PART THREE. BEYOND THE NORTH WIND PART FOUR. IN THE UNDER WORLD PART FIVE. AMONG THE ICE PACKS PART SIX. CONCLUSION PART SEVEN. AUTHOR'S AFTERWORD THE SMOKY GOD OR A VOYAGE TO THE INNER WORLD "He is the God who sits in the center, on the navel of the earth, and he is the interpreter of religion to all mankind."—PLATO. PART ONE. AUTHOR'S…